
Fare Thee Well, Dr. James John Mageria


Compiled by Jean Murungi

Earlier on in September 2021, Daystar University bid farewell to yet another founding father, the First Company Chairman Dr. James Mageria. Dr. Mageria became the first founding father to transit to glory. He was laid to rest at his ancestral home in Burguret Nanyuki.

Those who interacted with Dr. Mageria had this to say:

• It was in November 1984 when the Council of the then Daystar Communications (now Daystar University) with Dr. Mageria as the Chairman interviewed me and offered me the positions of Dean, Faculty of Academic Studies (FAS). Since then and throughout my years of service at Daystar, Dr. Mageria was a friend and a great inspiration to me. In matters of practical Christian living, he was my role model. He did not only profess Christianity but lived it. He remained my role model even when he retired from the Council but continued as a Company Chairman. I greatly admired his wisdom, able leadership and managerial skills as he served Daystar very sacrificially for many years. One of my happiest days at Daystar University was to witness Mr. Mageria awarded by Daystar University an honorary doctorate degree while I was the Vice- chancellor, in recognition of his distinguished and sacrificial service to God and humanity in Kenya and the world. During my difficult times at Daystar University in 2008/2009, Dr. Mageria stood with me. He was one man who gave me a shoulder to lean on. I shall never forget the many meetings we held and the many hours we spent together where he prayed, counselled and encouraged me. In Dr. Mageria I found not only a good boss but a true Christian elder brother. Outside Daystar in 1980s and 90s we were together in Christian Family Fellowship (CFF), a ministry that focused on our growing families. As a member of CFF, I benefited greatly from Dr. Mageria’s able leadership.” Rev. Prof Godfrey Nguru – Second Vice-chancellor,Daystar University.

• “Dr. James Mageria was a role model to us in many ways.

His office was on campus and as students we would watch him come and go gracefully, gentle, humble and soft spoken, always smart-yes always smart. He was already a legend to us: the stories of his integrity, his commitment to serving the Lord, his role in the church, and in his dedication in seeing our institution grow. It delighted our hearts when we would watch news those days of one television station and see his picture on the screen. As then Daystar University students then, it was as if we saw ourselves on the screen- we were represented through Dr. Mageria, and he always represented us well.” Prof. Levi Obonyo, Dean, School of Communication.

• “Dr. J. Mageria was a humble God-fearing man, a man of great values and a crusader of peace and hope. Dr. Mageria has been a blessing not only to the Daystar family but also to the Kenya Institute of Management and the Management University of Africa (MUA) where he served as a trustee. He was a great friend to my father, Dr. Kipchoge Keino. We will forever miss this great man as a family.” Dr. Dinah Keino, Deputy Director, Research and Graduate Studies.

• “Heroes never die because their legacy lives long after they are gone. So it was with Christ, our Master. We will miss Mr. Mageria but he has left us with a true example of servant leadership. May we learn from his example that pens write notes but for a season, however, a great charitable life lived in God leaves an indelible writing in the lives of many. The writing of your life on our lives will forever be remembered.” Oketch Martin P. Oburu Year of Graduation 1887.

The testimonies of those who interacted with Mrs. Faye Smith, Prof. Stephen Talitwala and Dr. Mageria, attest of their sacrifice and dedication to make Daystar University what it is today.

I can only imagine the sound of the Lord saying: well done, good and faithful servants. Welcome to my Glory.

These great heroes of Daystar University are greatly missed but their legacy of sacrifice and servanthood continues.



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