
Prof. Stephen Talitwala - the Founding Vice-chancellor laid to rest at the Heroes’ Corner


Compiled by Jean Murungi

The First Vice-chancellor of Daystar University, Prof. Stephen E.J.L. Talitwala was promoted to glory on 10th April 2023, and became the first founding father to be buried at the Heroes Corner. Prof. Talitwala left a legacy of faith through his impactful leadership that touched and transformed many lives.

Despite his outstanding academic and professional credentials, the distinguished engineer agreed to take up a missionary position as the Executive Director of Daystar Communications, without a salary. The onset of his administrative role was challenging and sacrificial for him and his family, since he had to raise funds to sustain the young institution first, and then get paid if funds were available.

Prof. Talitwala is remembered by many as a humble, selfless man who deeply loved God. Those who worked with Prof. Talitwala have great memories of how he touched their lives:

• “Steve Talitwala worked hard and faithfully for Daystar University College and Daystar University. In my long service in Kenya for 50 years, I have not found many like Steve Talitwala. He combined a deep faith in God and our Savior Jesus Christ; had a clear vision of Daystar and what was necessary to achieve it. He was faithful and honest in handling institutional funds. It was an honour to know him and work with him in the establishment of a Christian University” – Dr. James Kamunge, First Chancellor (1994-2004).

• “Prof. Talitwala has been a friend with a great sense of purpose and love, especially for his students throughout his life. We remember his genuine laughter and love for the Lord and family. he was a great visionary, a great leader and lover of simplicity.” – Prof. Henry Thairu, Former Council Chair (2018-2021).

• “As Elijah was to Elisha, so was Prof. Talitwala to me.” – Prof. Godfrey Nguru

- Second Vice-chancellor (2004-2011).

• “Prof. Talitwala has never been alive than he is now. He is receiving his

inheritance right now. and that is what we should look forward to in the future.” – Rev. Prof. Don Smith, Daystar Founder.

• “Prof. Talitwala’s contribution to the initial formation

of the Daystar University vision has been akin to a parent guiding a child, a hen guiding her chicks or a farmer tending to a harvest

of such glory. The Pheko family mourns the passing of this trailblazer, and unite in honoring the exemplary life of a great African academic, engineer, leader and primarily a servant of God.”

– Dr. Motsoko Pheko (Daystar Co-founder) and Family.

• “What a great legacy this legend has left here on earth. What a blessing to have known him intimately. His

life was a living testimony of what God can achieve through a surrendered life full of faith and trust in Him! I can almost hear The Father say, “Well done, my good and faithful servant!”

– Mr. Mwaniki Mageria, Founding Chair, Daystar University Alumni Association (DUAA).

• “Working for Daystar University was his heartbeat.

He served as if it was his last duty on earth for his Heavenly Father. His sacrificial, relentless and commitment to Servant

Leadership was exemplary.”

– Prof. Alice Munene, Faculty Member & Coordinator, PhD in Clinical Psychology, DU School of Applied Human Sciences.

• “Prof. Stephen Talitwala leaves the society better impacted, informed and satiated in the quest for knowledge and the truth”

– Dr. Martin Oloo, Faculty Member -Daystar University School of Law

• “I look back to my knowledge of Prof. Talitwala with a lot of nostalgia. Talitwala did not look at people with glasses of class. He loved people and advised them with the care of a brother. His workers were his brothers and sisters. He was committed to the growth of Daystar University. “When Talitwala looks down, and looks up, a building comes up!” was a common joke by the Daystar community. I witnessed buildings come up at Athi River (Main) Campus on a land that was otherwise bare, with only shrubs and wild animals.” – Mr. Maurice Masiga - Staff

• “Professor’s PhD in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Leeds in 1971 truly made him a “Permanently Humble and Diligent (PhD)”. Prof. Frank Nabwiso.

• “I recall his deep and enduring love for his wife Elizabeth. He would fondly sing to her the 60s ballad “My Lovely Elizabeth,” by S.E. Rogie. Prof. Patrick John Muzaale

• “Prof. Talitwala modeled walking with God through life’s joys and struggles in grace and humility. I fondly remember all-night keshas at his home, singing hymns and songs in multiple languages. I can imagine him now praising and leaping for joy before his heavenly Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, singing “Tukutendereza Jesu.” – Prof. Roberta King, Former Faculty member.

• “Prof. Talitwala, loved and served God all his life. He was gentle, kind and humble servant of God. What he envisioned is what Daystar has become and even more!”

– Mrs. Grace Kabuye, Former Faculty member.

• “There are few people in this world who would replicate what Prof. Talitwala did at Daystar University. Many of us are what we are today because of the seed Talitwala planted in our lives.” – Rev. Jamleck Kariuki wa Wairimu, DUSA Vice-President 2000 - 2001. Class of 2002.

• “My greatest memory is of you walking from Mombasa to Nairobi to raise funds for Daystar University for us!” – Rev. Carole Kiamah - Muchoki- Class of 97.

• “Prof. Talitwala was not scared of getting his hands dirty. We often made jokes about you, if you stood on a spot, we were sure to see some construction happening soon - that was.” Prof. T. Wanja, Namibia, Class of ‘93 & ‘98.

• “I have come this far because Prof. Talitwala gave sacrificially to support our study at Daystar University.”

– Fridah Kegocha, Alumnus

• “I cannot write the story of my life without mentioning your name. Adieu Dad until the resurrection morning.”

– Ade Johnson-Ajala (Nee Ogunleye).

Professor is survived by his wife Dr. Mutheu Talitwala, Tibaga Gacheru and Steve G., Joseph Talitwala, Kyesubire and Franklin Greigg. He was grandfather to Nshemerirwe Mimo, Tusubira Kwe, and Mugisa Mbuthia.

In honor of their service to Daystar University, Faye Smith and Prof. Talitwala were buried at Daystar University’s Heroes’ Corner, prepared as a burial place for the University heroes. Prof. Talitwala became the first to be buried at the Heroes’ Corner, and Faye Smith, the second. Heroes corner will also be the resting place for Rev. Prof. Don Smith when the Lord calls him home.



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