Odyssey of Resilience and Triumph

- Daystar University
- 10 Nov, 2023
Prof. Muturi Wachira
DVC - Finance, Administration and Planning
Class of 2023! Congratulations on this outstanding achievement! You have made it this far. This is a testament to your hard work, resilience, discipline, and fortitude. A lot has been
demanded of you over the years. You have faced a myriad of experiences; the journey has not been easy
but rather fraught with a pandemic, uncertainty, and the general highs and lows of life. You have proved that you are made of the stuff the world is waiting
As you embark
on a new season, a lot will be expected of you. I trust that you have been well prepared. Remember, success is on the other side of failure, so keep trying and striving. You may be called to work with the very young or the very old; this will teach you humility.
You may be called to work on the global
scene, and I pray
that you will exercise patience and kindness
as you work with diverse groups and communities. As you work in different environments and
circumstances, remember, ‘we are God’s workmanship, created
in Jesus to do good works, which God prepared
in advance for us
to do’.
May love and laughter light your days and warm your heart and home.
May good and faithful friends be yours
wherever you may roam.
May peace and plenty bless your world with
joy that long endures.
May all life’s passing seasons bring the best
to you and yours! (Irish blessing).
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