
Embrace a Christ-Centered and Purpose-Driven Life


Prof. George Njoroge University Council Chairman

This is a momentous event when we come together: students, faculty, staff, friends and relatives, to celebrate your wonderful achievements over the last two, three or four years here at this great institution called Daystar University. This is an institution that has become a leading Christ-centered University, regionally and globally.

This graduation epitomizes excellence and the hard work that you have diligently executed over the past years here at Daystar. Make no mistake graduands, each one of you has been placed in this world for a reason. As pastor, Rick Warren of Saddleback Church in California has clearly articulated, the Almighty God has brought you on this earth to fulfil a purpose driven life: Daystar is one of the vehicles that God has conveniently provided to you in finding that purpose.

As you venture into that great world, always remember that you are a special being, beautifully crafted by the Almighty God and endowed with great virtues that will allow you to make a remarkable difference to the world and be a game-changer.

It is evident that you are all living in the most exciting times of this 21st century when opportunities are enormous and many of them remain untapped; all you need is to allow yourself to move out of that comfort zone and discover your God-given potential and exploit your passion.

As we move to the 4th Industrial Revolution era, the advent of technology has brought great opportunities for all of you: it is important you embrace them. You need to think out of the box and adopt a ‘disruptive’ mindset to take advantage of those opportunities. Daystar has prepared you very well to succeed in that wonderful space so that you can sustain yourselves and also give back to your communities.

You all have seen how Research and Innovations have drastically changed our World and continue to do so. The advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and new innovations such as ChatGPT have taken the digital world by storm and are making remarkable differences in the world.

Fellow graduands, you should not be left behind basking in the glory of the past and merely complaining about the uncertainty of the future. That future is for you to take its full advantage. Although it might be scary as to what the aforementioned technologies could do, we should realize that those are simulations of human intelligence in machines, teaching a computer to think and learn and perform like a human being but will never be like the GOD-created human being. However, these technologies have revolutionized the world of precision medicine, engineering and communication among many others.

As a Christian-centered institution, Daystar has prepared you well for the job market and I must say that the sky is no longer the limit; you can go even further beyond the sky and make this world a better place than you found it. That would be your legacy! Remember to do the following:

1. Embrace Agape Love

2. Surround yourselves with good advisers and avoid the bad ones.

3. Create a better future for all.

4. Be in pursuit of excellence.

• Dream, fly high and soar like an eagle.

• Be an agent of change.

• Practice humbleness and humility

Above all, “Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the de- sires of your heart” (Psalm 37:34). May the Almighty God provide you with great wisdom that will catapult you to greater heights in your professional careers and may the desires of your hearts be fulfilled.

Congratulations Daystar Class of 2023! May God bless you in all your future endeavours.


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