Growth and Opportunities for the School of Law

- Daystar University
- 10 Nov, 2023
Maurice Owuor
Daystar University School of Law continues to grow and today has a student
population of about 360 students. This growth portends challenges and opportunities:
challenges in providing corresponding facilities to match this growth, and
opportunities to impact more on the lives of young law students with quality
education based on Christian values. The latter is the more significant of the
dichotomy as it offers a glimmer of hope for society, in creating a small but
significant pool of lawyers grounded on strong Christian and ethical values.
growth of the School of Law creates opportunities to improve on the facilities.
We are grateful that the David Musau Mumama Learning Complex (DMMLC) is a
response to this challenge. DMMLC will host the School of Law and will have a
1,000-seater theatre, 4 lecture halls with a 200-seater capacity, and an ultra-
modern moot court among other facilities.
2023, Daystar School of Law will be graduating its second Cohort, thereby
adding more of its products to the market. The law curriculum is also due for
review and is already being subjected to the review process, giving the School
an opportunity to streamline the curriculum with the current trends in the
discipline. Having been licensed by the Council of Legal Education, the School of
Law is subject to audit and inspection by the said body for purposes of renewal
of the license. In view of this, the school has put in place quality assurance
mechanisms which include evaluation of the quality of teaching and learning,
and a robust problem-based learning supported by three practical requirements;
namely, legal practicum, judicial attachment and international internship.
School is already making an impact in the arena of pro bono legal aid. Last
year, the School, under the auspices of Daystar University School of Law
Association (DUSOLA), conducted a legal aid clinic at the main campus in Athi
River. The said clinic served the community around Daystar University. This
year, the School of Law students together with Kenya Christian Lawyers
Fellowship (KCLF) mounted a free Legal Aid to members of CITAM church in Athi
River and its environs.
is also becoming a major feature of the School, with students participating in
multiple moot court competitions and doing very well. The proposed moot court
in the DMMLC will strengthen the tradition of mooting in the School.
expand the law programme, the School is also preparing a Master of Laws (LL.M)
programme. The growth of the School can only be a positive factor and an
opportunity to impact society with servant legal advocacy.
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