
Message from University Registrar


Prof. Paul M. Mbutu, PhD

University Registrar

It is my joy and privilege to extend my congratulations to the graduating class of 2023. In your academic journey, you were faced by COVID-19 pandemic, and you weathered that storm and now you have emerged victorious to celebrate this milestone in your lives. You have made us proud and strong.

As we all know and have experienced, coping with challenges arising from COVID-19 was not easy. True, during this period, many of our academic activities and programs were disrupted. The University had to come up with a new mode of learning that required us to make drastic adjustments in order to navigate the uncertainties of life. We learnt how to become innovative on virtual and online learning platforms, and how to use new technologies that required us to spend more financial resources on laptops and internet connectivity.

With all these challenges, we developed a strong sense of resilience, hence the victory and success we are celebrating now.

You are graduating and joining thousands of Daystar University graduates locally and globally who are making a positive contribution to the world, humanity, and the Mission of God.

As you step out into the next phase of your lives, cherish and embrace the core values that Daystar University has instilled in you: excellence, transformation, and servant- leadership. Look out for opportunities that will challenge you to grow, innovate, and realize your potential.

On my behalf and that of the Department of Admissions and Records that admitted you to this great University and now seeing you off, I wish you all God’s bountiful blessings and great success in your future careers.

Once more, congratulations to you all.


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